The day before Mothers Day the guys in our branch put together a Black & White party. Usually us girls are involved with planning of activities, but we had no idea of the plans for this one. We thought it was a party to celebrate together. It ended up being a party for us girls. It was so sweet of all of them. They brought us to a "cocktail room" where they served us horderves, played music, and served us drinks. They then brought us into the cultural hall. They decorated the tables, put some decorations on the walls, played Michael Buble! We sat down and the guys brought baskets of like three different breads and offered us fancy drinks with raspberries and basil inside the ice cubes! Fancy. Just fancy. So fancy that there was even a personalized menu. I mean seriously, these guys went over the top. It doesn't even stop there. As we were waiting for our food to arrive, some of the guys broke out to a choreographed dance to Shaggy's "Angel" And to top it all off, they even put together a desert table. Actually to top that, the guys put together a sweet little slideshow of pictures and videos of what they thought of the girls in the branch. Yes, we were pampered that day. The food was provided by our professional chef friend, Josh, and his girlfriend, Jenna. And honestly, it wouldn't have been remarkable with out them! These guys will be amazing husbands and fathers in the future, we taught them well haha.
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