Got the chance to catch a show of Us the Duo. The music that they make together is beautiful and just watching them perform it live was no joke. They have such great and sweet talent, and their love shines right through them. There weren't too many people there so it was really nice and intimate. Carissa Rae and Michael Alvarado pointed at our side of the audience a couple times cause we were jamming and clapping and dancing along to their songs as much as they were. It was pretty neat!
Later that night we waited for the couple to make their way to their tour bus. When they got out of the building, Michael Alvarado was able to sign a couple t-shirts before heading into the bus. He got to sign Joycies t-shirt last right before their manager pushed him into the bus lol They were so sweet though. You can tell they anted to stick around to give out autographs. I was too star strucked when seeing Michael Alvarado sign my sister's shirt that neither one of us were able to take a picture of him doing so lol
awesome night. awesome night.
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