not yet padawan, not yet.
so the first time we rode the falcon, we got the jobs of an engineer. which isn't horrible! but comon, everyone wants to be a pilot. so our second time around, we literally were praying to be pilots. and what do you know, we were pilots. AND we we're boss at it. 

yummiest chocolate dessert in all the galaxy.
since today's #colormeparkhopper photo challenge is Galaxy's Edge, I figured I finally had the time to bring out some photos we took when Disney had the park open for just the cast members. which was nice cause it wasn't crowded at all, not to mention being able to ride the Millennium Falcon back to back within the span of 30 minutes!
now, i just recently got into Star Wars, as soon as they ended the SkyWalker story lol. but that's okay, the legacy lives on. happy we took these photos at the time! definitely learning from this quarantine to take our camera out more often, just for these little details.
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